Thursday, March 24, 2011

I must have picked up a four leaf clover somewhere...

I'm so proud of my hubby and happy for him! He found a job!!! He'll be doing maintenance for a factory in town and it has good pay and benefits. We've been waiting for this to come along for a long time now and whoo hoo!!! Our prayers have finally been answered. He starts tomorrow!
We may have also found a house to rent. We live in a tiny apartment in a not so great area now and have been wanting to find a place that's a little bigger and a little more private (we can hear our neighbors' conversations and I'm sure they can hear ours! LOL). D's friend is getting married, and the happy couple is looking at moving into a bigger home and renting out his old house to us. It's in a good neighborhood, close to family and has a fenced in back yard.
Since he is now gainfully employed, and my part-time office gig will be winding down soon as the end of tax season is nearing, I am looking at what my next steps will be. I've been wanting to go to nursing school for a long time, and I'm thinking about going over to the local community college and checking out their program.They also have a radiology tech program I might be interested in too.
Abby's doing wonderfully... of course she went to day care today, so no telling what kind of mung she will be sick with over the weekend... LOL She's getting so darn big... she's going to be 7 months old this weekend and she's already wearing some 18 month clothes. !!!!! Here's a pic of an 18 month outfit on her that's none too big:

Monday, March 21, 2011

It's finally Spring!

The past two days it has been in the upper 70's and we actually had to turn on the air conditioner in our apartment. Which weirdly made me nostalgic because the last time we had the a/c on, Abby was just an itty bitty baby (well, as itty bitty as a 10 pound newborn can be...) and she and I were sleeping downstairs due to my c section recovery.

We finally got Boo over whatever bug(s) she had going on last week. Thank God because I felt like I was drowning in baby puke! Lol

Monday, March 14, 2011

Uggh... a stressful weekend.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but ever since Boo (one of my many, many nicknames for Abby... I should probably pick one and stick with it or she's not going to know what name to respond to... LOL) got her shots the other day, she has NOT felt good. Her stomach was just... let's say NOT RIGHT all weekend long. I was poo'ed on, puked on, and everything in between. It may very well be a stomach bug too... she DID go to daycare the day before her shots. LOL I swear... the place is great and she loves going but it seems like EVERY TIME she goes there she comes down with some new ailment. Maybe her immune system would get used to being around all of those other kids and their bugs if we put her in full time but right now, with both hubs and I being "underemployed", there's no real need to and not enough money to.

That's another thing stressing me out right now. I only work 1-2 days a week at a job that will most likely end at the end of tax season and D is a self-employed mechanic... he only works when there is work to be done on his customers' cars. We've both been looking for more gainful employment... problem is in this economy, the jobs just aren't there... Honestly, I wish just one of us could find gainful, full-time employment that made enough money where the other of us could stay home with Boo.  At this point, I don't really care which one of us that is. Although days like today when I had to leave a sick kid at home make me feel like a horrible mom.

My heart is also just utterly sick for the people of Japan after they've been hit with disaster after disaster over the past few days. The situation at the nuclear plant that's currently in meltdown just scares the bejeezus out of me. I've always been weirdly fascinated with nuclear science, but very wary of nuclear power after studying Chernobyl and Three Mile Island in school. I know it's a very efficient way of producing a lot of power but is it really worth it when things like this can happen?

Friday, March 11, 2011

A few of my favorite pics of Miss Abby...

This was when she was about four months old I think...
And this was from her first election day... lol

Abby's 6 month stats...

Weight: 21.4 lbs, 99.2%
Length: 27.5 in., 92.7%
She's in good health (finally, been fighting a cold and bronchitis for weeks...) and hitting all of her milestones, except for pulling herself up to sitting, which admittedly, I didn't know she should be able to do that by now. LOL Oops.
She's actually hitting one milestone pretty early: speech. Her first word was Daddy (of course) and she's begun mimicking our speech. Better watch what we say in front of her from now on!!!
We have to start working on her sleep habits though. Up until now, she's always been allowed to fall asleep in bed with me, then I transfer her to her bassinet/crib/etc. Well that's starting to backfire on us because she is now getting used to sleeping with mommy and won't let me put her in her crib! So it looks like I'm not going to get any sleep for a few days while we do some sleep training with her... I'm not so sure I'm gonna like this either... I'll miss our cuddlebuggin' time! :(

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

I don't know why, but I decided I wanted to start a blog...

It seems like everyone else who posts or lurks on The Bump has one, so why not, huh? LOL For those of you who don't know what The Bump is, it's this website with a message board community dedicated to moms and moms-to-be. I'm mostly a "lurker" ... someone who reads but rarely posts. It's my guilty pleasure because a lot of the people on there are crazy, yet very entertaining...

That and I totally wanted to have a place online to brag about my most awesome daughter, Abby. She's a little over 6 months old, going on 2 years old it seems. LOL