Friday, March 11, 2011

Abby's 6 month stats...

Weight: 21.4 lbs, 99.2%
Length: 27.5 in., 92.7%
She's in good health (finally, been fighting a cold and bronchitis for weeks...) and hitting all of her milestones, except for pulling herself up to sitting, which admittedly, I didn't know she should be able to do that by now. LOL Oops.
She's actually hitting one milestone pretty early: speech. Her first word was Daddy (of course) and she's begun mimicking our speech. Better watch what we say in front of her from now on!!!
We have to start working on her sleep habits though. Up until now, she's always been allowed to fall asleep in bed with me, then I transfer her to her bassinet/crib/etc. Well that's starting to backfire on us because she is now getting used to sleeping with mommy and won't let me put her in her crib! So it looks like I'm not going to get any sleep for a few days while we do some sleep training with her... I'm not so sure I'm gonna like this either... I'll miss our cuddlebuggin' time! :(

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