Monday, March 14, 2011

Uggh... a stressful weekend.

I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but ever since Boo (one of my many, many nicknames for Abby... I should probably pick one and stick with it or she's not going to know what name to respond to... LOL) got her shots the other day, she has NOT felt good. Her stomach was just... let's say NOT RIGHT all weekend long. I was poo'ed on, puked on, and everything in between. It may very well be a stomach bug too... she DID go to daycare the day before her shots. LOL I swear... the place is great and she loves going but it seems like EVERY TIME she goes there she comes down with some new ailment. Maybe her immune system would get used to being around all of those other kids and their bugs if we put her in full time but right now, with both hubs and I being "underemployed", there's no real need to and not enough money to.

That's another thing stressing me out right now. I only work 1-2 days a week at a job that will most likely end at the end of tax season and D is a self-employed mechanic... he only works when there is work to be done on his customers' cars. We've both been looking for more gainful employment... problem is in this economy, the jobs just aren't there... Honestly, I wish just one of us could find gainful, full-time employment that made enough money where the other of us could stay home with Boo.  At this point, I don't really care which one of us that is. Although days like today when I had to leave a sick kid at home make me feel like a horrible mom.

My heart is also just utterly sick for the people of Japan after they've been hit with disaster after disaster over the past few days. The situation at the nuclear plant that's currently in meltdown just scares the bejeezus out of me. I've always been weirdly fascinated with nuclear science, but very wary of nuclear power after studying Chernobyl and Three Mile Island in school. I know it's a very efficient way of producing a lot of power but is it really worth it when things like this can happen?

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