Tuesday, April 12, 2011

So I haven't been on this thing for a while...

Well, life is just getting crazier by the minute, which I guess is to be expected when you have a baby who is increasingly mobile. Abby is rolling and scooting all over the place... just on the verge of actually crawling. She hasn't quite caught on to getting up on all fours yet, but she's pretty good at the ol' Army Obstacle Course crawl... She's holding her own Bees (what we call bottles) and starting to drink from a sippy cup. Daddy is proud because he taught her how to drink out of a 44 oz. styrofoam cup... Actually she just grabbed it out of his hands and started drinking away! So now we have to watch what we drink around her so she doesn't get ahold of something like Mountain Dew. Like I need her to be any more wired at night than she already is! She is also saying "daddy" very regularly and "mama" every great once in a while. Most people would say oh, she's just making noises, but I'm very sure she knows who "daddy" is and what she's saying when she says it. Mama? Still working on that... LOL
D started his new job as a maintenance tech/mechanical engineer/fabricator at a local factory and is loving it! I'm so happy for him that he has found his niche. Now I just wish I could find mine. Don't get me wrong, I do love staying at home with the wee one, but I also crave the adult interaction and mental stimulation that a job provides. There's only so much Sesame Street and singing my made up songs that I can take... LOL Although I do really, really enjoy naptime... ;)

We are enjoying the spring weather... Thank God it finally showed up! I plan on starting walking with Abby soon... well, as soon as my dang ankle heals... oh yeah, I fell down the stairs the other day and severely sprained it. Nice, huh? I'm also contemplating joining weight watchers... I'm running it by my doc on Friday. I want to start getting healthy so I can do more stuff with Abby when she gets old enough.

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